Helical Submerged Arc Welded (HSAW) Pipes For Water Purpose
Our Minimum Tolerant Spiral Welded (HSAW) water line pipes are manufactured in accordance with the r...
Our Minimum Tolerant Spiral Welded (HSAW) water line pipes are manufactured in accordance with the r...
HSAW pipe is also known in the industry as large diameter spiralwelded pipe with API standart, natu...
Pile pipes produced by Azertexnolayn LLC in Azerbaijan, as well as in important ports and prestigiou...
HDPE pressure PE pipes are widely used in construction and restoration of water and gas supply pipel...
Double corrugated polyethylene pipes (corrugated pipes) are primarily produced in diameters 100DN-60...
Production of corrugated pipes with steel reinforcement is applied to pipes in diameters 600DN-2400D...
Drip irrigation is a type of irrigation technique that has the potential to deliver both purified wa...
Meter boxes are made from high quality ABS (Acrylonitrile-butadiene -styrene) thermoplastic polymer ...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Our polyethylene fittings manufactured by "Azertexnolayn" are used to connect HDPE or PE w...
Gate valves with rubber coated disc can be used in + and - grade water pipelines. The valve can only...
Butterfly valves are used in drinking water networks and water supply lines. Suitable for undergroun...
Dismantling pieces is a length-adjustable product used to compensate for small changes in the length...
These surface box are used to control from the top surface of the pavement various types of valves o...
Surface fire hydrant (H1350, H1750, H2150) is an emergency support in accordance with EN 14384, EN 1...
Underground fire hydrant that is an emergency support and is compliant with EN 14339, EN 1074-6 stan...
Irrigation hydrants are used to irrigate agricultural products mainly in agricultural areas.
Recommended location: parking areas, sidewalks and city park roads. Purpose: engineering networks.
Recommended location: car parks, sidewalks and city park roads. Purpose: engineering networks.
"T-С250" manhole cover is installed on dense city highways.
Rainwater grill «ДМ-С250» is installed on dense city roads.
Recommended location: dense city highways. Purpose: engineering networkds.
Recommended location: highways. Purpose: engineering networks
Recommended location: Heavy tonnage roads (aerodrome, port) Purpose: Engineering Networks
Recommended location: Heavy tonnage roads (aerodrome, port) Purpose: Engineering Networks
Cast iron grilles are used in drainage systems and are designed to remove rainwater and internal par...
Drainage channel "HAURATON 5066" is made of cast iron and used to evacuate rainwater and r...
Drainage channel "HAURATON 5067" is made of cast iron and used to evacuate rainwater and r...
It is used for the evacuation of the water collected at the roads used by pedestrians, light and hea...
It is used for the evacuation of the water collected at the roads used by pedestrians, light and hea...
It is used for the evacuation of the water collected at the roads used by pedestrians, light and hea...
Rainwater grill is used to evacuate the water collected on the roadsides used by pedestrians, heavy ...
It is used for the evacuation of the water collected at the roads used by pedestrians, light and hea...
It is used for the evacuation of the water collected at the roads used by pedestrians, light and hea...
It is used for the evacuation of the water collected at the roads used by pedestrians, light vehicle...
The well facility aims to meet the water needs of the population in public places.
Waste box is used for waste disposal purposes in parks, parking lots, airports, stations, etc.
50 lbs ağırlıq detalı, ağır hissələr qaldırarkən yükləyicinizi sabitləşdirir. Yükləyici çərçivənin a...
Debriyaj mühərrik və sürət qutusu arasındakı əlaqədir, sürət qutusunun giriş şaftını krank mili vola...
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Traktor ön mil detalı mühərriki öz üzərində saxlayan traktorun ehtiyat hissəsidir.