
“Azertexnolayn ” MMC “Zəka dolu Əyləncə” adlı tədbirin əsas qaliblərindən olub.

"Azertexnolayn" company participates in "EcwaTech" 2023 Moscow exhibition.

Representatives of our company attended official meetings in Uzbekistan and the Republic of Tajikistan.

A new continent in our export geography.

Şirkətimiz 2022-ci ili uğurlu göstəricilərlə başa vurur.

Şirkətimiz ixrac bazar payını artırmaqda davam edir.

Our export geography is growing fastly.

Our export geography is growing fastly.

Our company has started production of new products.

Our company has been awarded a prestigious award.

Georgian guests are interested in the "Technical Equipment Plant".